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Oferta de burse in Germania

Ultima actualizare: 08 Jan 2020, 16:01:22 (de către Gabriela Pavelescu).


Profesorul  Dr. h.c. Rolf Hempelmann de la Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, Doctor Honoris Causa a Universitatii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi, ofera posibilitati de colaborare pentru studentii/absolventii Facultatii de Chimie, dupa cum urmeaza:

1.    An open position for a research assistant with the possibility to make a PhD degree, see attachments.

2.    A program for a fellowship of a young Romanian scientist, see the attached documents. Duration of the fellowship 6 - 12 months.


1) Master study program finished with (very) good exams
2) Knowledge of German language (Level B1, not yet now but at the end of the application procedure)

As topic I suggest something like: 

Development, testing and establishment of new experimental environmental education offers on the subject field “Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) and their ecological relevance" for a chemistry Schülerlabor.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa-l contacteze pe dl Decan al Facultatii de Chimie, Prof.dr. Aurel PUI, email  aurel@uaic.ro, telefon 0040 232 201276.

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