Short history
Last update: 01/30/2013, 15:53:28 (by webmaster).
- November 25, 1864 - In the Faculty of Science, was founded the Chair
of Physics and Chemistry, led by professor Ştefan Micle.
- 1878
- Chair of Physics and Chemistry divided into the Chair of Physics,
led by professor Ştefan Micle, and Chair of Chemistry, led by the famous
scientist Petru Poni, considered as the founder of the university teaching
of Chemistry in Romania.
- 1882 -
Petru Poni founded the first laboratory of chemistry in the University of Iasi
- Was founded the Chair of Organic Chemistry, led by professor
Anastasie Obregia, and the Chair of Chemistry, led by Petru Poni,
became the Chair of Inorganic Chemistry.
1906 -
Was founded the Chair of Agricultural Chemistry, led by professor Haralamb
1912 - At the Faculty of Science of the University are
created the sections of Industrial Chemistry and Agricultural Chemistry.
- 1913 - Was founded the chair of Physical and Analytical Chemistry,
under the supervision of the scientist Petru Bogdan.
- 1921
- Physical Chemistry Department has acquired an independent status, becoming the first
Department of profile in the country. By creating the three departments - Inorganic Chemistry,
Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry - was perfected the structure of a modern Faculty
of Chemistry.
- 1948 - Faculty of Chemistry became independent.
- 1974
- Faculty of Chemistry merged forcedly with the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry,
creating the Faculty of Chemical Technology in the Politechnical Institute of Iasi.
- 1990 - Faculty of Chemistry returned to Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi.