Facultatea de Chimie Iaşi

Grup de cercetare_

Ultima actualizare: 25 Nov 2016, 15:11:37 (de către Gabriela Pavelescu).

Grupul de cercetare : Compuşi oxidici cu propietăţi speciale

Acronim : OXPOLMET



Prof. Mircea-Nicolae Palamaru

Tel: +40 232 201341

Fax: + 40 232 201313




1. Prof. dr.chim. Mircea Nicolae PALAMARU - Professor Emeritus - Coordonator

2. Prof. dr. chim. Alexandra Raluca IORDAN

3. Conf. dr. chim. Dumitru GÂNJU

4. Lect. dr. chim. Carmen MÎŢĂ

5. Lect. dr. chim. Mirela GOANŢĂ

6. Asist. dr. chim. Ioana GORODEA


Domenii de cercetare

1. Sinteza şi caracterizarea de oxizi polimetalici cu structură de tip spinel, perovskit, aurivillius, piroclor, granat;

2. Oxizi polimetalici cu potenţiale utilizări în protecţia mediului şi medicină;

3. Materiale compozite pe bază de oxizi polimetalici cu potenţiale utilizări în protecţia mediului şi medicină.


- acces la infrastructura existentă în laboratoarele didactice ale Colectivului de Chimie Anorganică:

  • Spectrofotometru UV-VIS model M501 echipat cu modul sfera de reflexie difuză
  • balanţă de susceptibilitate magnetică Sherwood Scientific
  • balanţe analitice
  • etuve


 - infrastructură din laboratorul de cercetare:

  • 2 cuptoare de sinterizare Furnace 1300 (25 - 10000C)
  • Cuptor de sinterizare de vid Vacuum Furnace CZ NEYTECH (25 - 10000C)
  • Cuptor de sinterizare Dentar CD (25 – 10000C)
  • Conductometru / pH-metru – Consort K912
  • Aparat de determinare a temperaturii de topire KSPI - Kruss
  • Cuptor de Nabertherm cu flux de gaze, model RATA 200/300/16 C295, controller C42 (25 – 16000C)
  • Cuptor de sinterizare Nabertherm cu programare (25 – 12000C)
  • Cuptor de sinterizare Heraeus (25 – 12000C)
  • Gaz cromatograf 910-072 cu ACC
  • 4 agitatoare magnetice cu sondă de temperatură
  • etuvă de vid
  • instalaţie de testare catalitică (construcţie proprie)
  • instalaţie de testare fotocatalitică (construcţie proprie)
  • băi de nisip/ulei


1.    Tudorache, F., Petrila, I., Slatineanu, T., Dumitrescu, A.M., Iordan, A.R., Dobromir, M., Palamaru, M.N., Humidity sensor characteristics and electrical properties of Ni–Zn–Dy ferrite material prepared using different chelating-fuel agents, 2016, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 27, 272-278, FI= 1.569

2.    Borhan, A. I.; Samoila, P.; Gherca, D.; .Iordan, A.R.; Palamaru, M. N., Is it possible the substitution of Cr cations from spinel-type oxides with bulky rare-earth cations by sol-gel auto-combustion method?, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 651, 200, FI = 2, 999

3.    Feraru, S.; Borhan, A. I.; Samoila, P.; Mita, C.; Cucu-Man, S.; ., Iordan, A.R; Palamaru, M. N., Development of visible-light-driven Ca2Fe1-xSmxBiO6 double perovskites for decomposition of Rhodamine 6G dye, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2015, 307, 1, FI = 2.495

4.    Dumitrescu, A. M.; Lisa, G.; Iordan, A. R.; Tudorache, F.; Petrila, I.; Borhan, A. I.; Palamaru, M. N.; Mihailescu, C.; Leontie, L.; Munteanu, C., Ni ferrite highly organized as humidity sensors, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 156, 170, FI= 2.259

5.    Cojocaru, Ş, Dumitrescu A. M., Domocos A.A, Iordan A.R., Melniciuc-Puică, N., Palamaru, M.N., Exploiting the natural potential of romanian kaolin clay. Adsorption capacity improvement through heat treatment, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2015, 9, 1530, FI= 0.394

6.    Dumitrescu, A.M.; Jucan, V.; Rusu, L.; Iordan, A.R.; Palamaru, M.N., The peat - template agent for Ni ferrite obtainment, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2015, 60, 1033, FI=0.250

7.    Dumitrescu, A.M., Borhan, A.I., Iordan, A.R, Dumitru, I., Palamaru, M.N., Influence of chelating/fuel agents on the structural features, magnetic and dielectric properties of Ni ferrite, 2014, Powder Technology, 268, 95, FI=2.296

8.    Dumitrescu, A.M., Slatineanu, T., Poiata, A., Iordan, A.R., Mihailescu, C., Palamaru, M.N., Advanced composite materials based on hydrogels and ferrites for potential biomedical applications, 2014, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 455, 185, FI= 2.354

9.    Mocanu, Z.V., Airimioaei, M., Ciomaga, C.E., Curecheriu, L., Tudorache, F., Tascu, S., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, N.M., Mitoseriu, L., Investigation of the functional properties of Mg xNi1-xFe2O4 ceramics, 2014, Journal of Materials Science, 49, 3276, FI= 2.305

10. Borhan, A.I., Samoila, P., Hulea, V., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Effect of Al3+ substituted zinc ferrite on photocatalytic degradation of Orange I azo dye, 2014, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 279, 17, FI= 2.2910

11. Borhan, A.I., Hulea, V., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Cr3+ and Al3+ co-substituted zinc ferrite: Structural analysis, magnetic and electrical properties, 2014, Polyhedron, 70, 110, FI= 2.047

12. Feraru, S., Borhan, A.I., Samoila, P., Nedelcu, G.G., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Influence of a-site cation on structure and dielectric properties in A2DyBiO6 (A = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) double perovskites, 2014, Australian Journal of Chemistry, 67, 250, FI= 1.644

13. Airimioaei, M., Palamaru, M.-N., Iordan, A.R., Berthet, P., Decorse, C., Curecheriu, L., Mitoseriu, L., Structural investigation and functional properties of Mg xNi1-xFe2O4 ferrites, 2014, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97, 519, FI= 2.4280

14. Borhan, A.I., Samoila, P., Hulea, V., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Photocatalytic activity of spinel ZnFe2-xCrxO4 nanoparticles on removal Orange I azo dye from aqueous solution, 2014, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 97, 519, FI= 2.084

15. Druc, A.C., Borhan, A.I., Diaconu, A., Iordan, A.R., Nedelcu, G.G., Leontie, L., Palamaru, M.N., How cobalt ions substitution changes the structure and dielectric properties of magnesium ferrite?, 2014, Ceramics International, 40, 13573, FI = 2.086

16. Tamara Slatineanu, Anca Mihaela Dumitrescu, Petrisor Samoila, Alexandra Nistor, Maria Cazacu, Valentin Nica, A.R. Iordan, Mircea Nicolae Palamaru, Synthesis, characterization and catalytic behavior of Mg-Zn ferrites supported on alumina, 2013, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, in press, FI= 1.117

17. Borhan, A.I., Samoila, P., Hulea, V., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Photocatalytic activity of spinel ZnFe2-xCrxO4 nanoparticles on removal Orange I azo dye from aqueous solution, 2013, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, FI= 2.084

18. Feraru, S., Samoila, P., Nica, V., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Influence of the B-site cation nature on dielectric properties of Ca2XBiO6 (X = Dy, Fe, Al) double perovskite, 2013, Chemical Papers, 67, 1311, FI= 0.879

19. Druc, A.C., Borhan, A.I., Nedelcu, G.G., Leontie, L., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Structure-dielectric properties relationships in copper-substituted magnesium ferrites, 2013, Materials Research Bulletin, 48, 4647, FI= 1.913

20. Feraru, S., Samoila, P., Borhan, A.I., Ignat, M., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Synthesis, characterization of double perovskite Ca2MSbO6 (M = Dy, Fe, Cr, Al) materials via sol-gel auto-combustion and their catalytic properties, 2013, Materials Characterization, 84, 112, FI= 1.880

21. Slatineanu, T., Iordan, A.R., Oancea, V., Palamaru, M.N., Dumitru, I., Constantin, C.P., Caltun, O.F., Magnetic and dielectric properties of Co-Zn ferrite, 2013, Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 178, 1040, FI= 1.884

22. Druc, A.C., Dumitrescu, A.M., Borhan, A.I., Nica, V., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Optimization of synthesis conditions and the study of magnetic and dielectric properties for MgFe2O4 ferrite, 2013, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 11, 1330, FI= 1.167

23. Borhan, A.I., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Correlation between structural, magnetic and electrical properties of nanocrystalline Al3+ substituted zinc ferrite, 2013, Materials Research Bulletin, 48, 2549, FI= 1.913

24. Dumitrescu, A.M., Samoila, P.M., Nica, V., Doroftei, F., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Study of the chelating/fuel agents influence on NiFe2O4 samples with potential catalytic properties, 2013, Powder Technology, 243, 9, FI= 2.024

25. Borhan, A.I., Slatineanu, T., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Influence of chromium ion substitution on the structure and properties of zinc ferrite synthesized by the sol-gel auto-combustion method, 2013, Polyhedron, 56, 82, FI= 1.813

26. Slatineanu, T., Diana, E., Nica, V., Oancea, V., Caltun, O.F., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., The influence of the chelating/combustion agents on the structure and magnetic properties of zinc ferrite, 2012, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 10, 1799, FI= 1.073

27. Constantin, C.P., Slatineanu, T., Palamaru, M., Iordan, A., Caltun, O.F., CoxZnx-1Fe2O4 Nanoparticles ferrite series as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents, 2012, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 7, 1793, FI= 1.200

28. Samoila, P., Slatineanu, T., Postolache, P., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., The effect of chelating/combustion agent on catalytic activity and magnetic properties of Dy doped Ni-Zn ferrite, 2012, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 136, 241, FI= 2.072

29. Ciomaga, C.E., Airimioaei, M., Nica, V., Hrib, L.M., Caltun, O.F., Iordan, A.R., Galassi, C., Mitoseriu, L., Palamaru, M.N., Preparation and magnetoelectric properties of NiFe2O4-PZT composites obtained in-situ by gel-combustion method, 2012, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32, 3325, FI= 2.360

30. Dumitrescu, A.M., Samoila, P.M., Nica, V., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Study of catalytic effect of oxidic compounds of NiFe2O4 type in processes of chemical degradation, 2012, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 57, 843, FI= 0.331

31. Blegescu, C., Ganju, D., Palamaru, M.N., Supported Fe, Ni - Acetate cluster used in oxidizing processes of organic colorants, 2012, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 57, 769, FI= 0.331

32. Blegescu, C., Ganju, D., Palamaru, M.N., Supported oxo-trinuclear fe-acetate cluster with catalytic activity, 2012, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 57, 415, FI= 0.331

33. Aruxandei, C.D., Cornei, N., Hutanu, C.A., Ciomaga, C.E., Samoila, P.M., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Sol-gel synthesis and characterization of LiMn2-xCuxO4 spinels, 2012, Revista de Chimie, 63, 14, FI= 0.538

34. Slatineanu, T., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Caltun, O.F., Gafton, V., Leontie, L., Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline Zn ferrites substituted with Ni, 2011, Materials Research Bulletin, 46, 1455, FI= 2.105

35. Airimioaei, M., Ciomaga, C.E., Apostolescu, N., Leontie, L., Iordan, A.R., Mitoseriu, L., Palamaru, M.N., Synthesis and functional properties of the Ni1-xMnxFe2O4 ferrites, 2011, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, 8065, FI= 2.289

36. Perianu, E.-A., Gorodea, I.A., Gheorghiu, F., Sandu, A.V., Ianculescu, A.C., Sandu, I., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Preparation and dielectric spectroscopy characterization of a 2MnMoO6 (A = Ca, Sr and Ba) double perovskites, 2011, Revista de Chimie, 62, 17, FI= 0.599

37. Gorodea, I.A., Perianu, E.A., Iordan, A.R., Palamaru, M.N., Structural, electrical and magnetic characterization of the double perovskites Sr2Cr(1+x)W(1-x)O6, 2010, Revista de Chimie, 61, 351, FI= 0.693

38. Ciomaga, C.E., Dumitru, I., Mitoseriu, L., Galassi, C., Iordan, A.R., Airimioaei, M., Palamaru, M.N., Magnetoelectric ceramic composites with double-resonant permittivity and permeability in GHz range: A route towards isotropic metamaterials, 2010, Scripta Materialia, 62, 610, FI= 2.806

39. Perianu, E.-A., Gorodea, I.A., Prihor, F., Mitoseriu, U., Ianculescu, A.C., Ralucaiordan', A., Palamaru', M.N., Preparation by citrate combustion and characterization of complex oxides Ca2-XLaxMnMoO6, 2010, Revista de Chimie, 61, 242, FI= 0.693

40. Ciomaga, C.E., Galassi, C., Prihor, F., Dumitru, I., Mitoseriu, L., Iordan, A.R., Airimioaei, M., Palamaru, M.N., Preparation and properties of the CoFe2O4-Nb-Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 multiferroic composites prepared in situ by gel-combustion method, 2009, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 485, 372, FI= 2.135

41. Iordan, A.R., Airimioaiei, M., Palamaru, M.N., Galassi, C., Sandu, A.V., Ciomaga, C.E., Prihor, F., Mitoseriu,L., Ianculescu,A., In situ preparation of CoFe2O4-Pb(ZrTi)O3 multiferroic composites by gel-combustion technique, 2009, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 29, 2807, FI= 2.090

42. Palamaru, M.N., Iordan, A.R., Aruxandei, C.D., Gorodea, I.A., Perianu, E.A., Dumitru, I., Feder, M., Caltun, O.F., The synthesis of doped manganese cobalt ferrites by auto combustion technique, 2008, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10, 1853, FI= 0.577

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