Facultatea de Chimie Iaşi

Acta Chemica Vol 16 2008

Ultima actualizare: 15 Dec 2015, 08:12:12 (de către Angela Vatr?).



Online Issue


  1. Adriana Bârsănescu, Rodica Buhăceanu and Viorica Dulman - Adsorption Studies of Astrozon Blue Dye onto Acrylic Resin
  2. Alin C. Dirtu and Adrian Covaci - Estimation of Daily Intake of Selected Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) through Food Consumption and Indoor Dust Ingestion in Romania
  3. Rodica Buhăceanu, Ioan Sârghie,  Adriana Bârsănescu and Ion Bunia - Sorption of Ni(II) on Acrylic Polymers Functionalized with Trietylenetetramine
  4. Iuliean V. Asaftei, Nicolae Bilba, Lucian M. Birsa  and C.Luchian - Sorption Properties of MCM-41 Mesoporous Materials
  5. Anca S. Ciobanu,  Mirela Goanta,  Aurora Birsa, Iuliean V. Asaftei and Lucian M. Birsa - Synthesis of Mesoionic 4-Methyl-2-(1,3-dithiol-2-ylium-4-yl)phenolates
  6. Doina Humelnicu -Removal of Thorium Ions from Simulated Wastewaters onto Callovo Oxfordian Clay
  7. Mirela V. Goanta - Use of Some Complexes of Ru in Radiolytical Decomposition of Water
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